Sell from stage even if your not allowed too!
Discover how to build a solid foundation that not only enhances your visibility but also significantly increases your revenue, impact, and opportunities.


Unlock the Secrets to Speaking Success

You can’t expect to achieve your goals as a speaker if you don't have the monetization resources & knowledge to guide you.

In the realm of professional speaking, the difference between a good speaker and a great one lies in their foundation. It's not just about delivering speeches—it's about creating a lasting impact, establishing authority, and unlocking new revenue streams. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your speaking career to the next level, our comprehensive strategy is your roadmap to success.

the goods are going to have you raving!

Why Choose This Strategy?

  • Proven Results: Join countless speakers who have transformed their careers using my strategic approach. From increased bookings to expanded audience reach, the results speak for themselves.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the insights and experiences of industry leaders who have been where you are and have navigated the path to success. I am teaching what I provide to my clients that have seen over 80 million in sales
  • Tailored to You as a speaker: my strategy isn’t one-size-fits-all. I focus on your unique strengths and goals to create a personalized plan that works for you, so there are alot of ways for you to grow as a speaker in here find what works for you!

If we join forces, you’ll be able to

Strategies for Speaking Success

Maximizing Your Speaking Success: Strategies for Visibility, Revenue, Impact & Opportunities" unveils powerful techniques to elevate your speaking career. Explore methods to enhance visibility, amplify revenue streams, and seize impactful opportunities. Learn the secrets to success, including monetizing your brand, building credibility, and leveraging technology.

Guided by Expertise

Join renowned Speaker CMO Andrea Merrill as she shares her comprehensive strategy for taking your speaking career to new heights. With a background in psychology and marketing, Andrea's guidance ensures a methodical approach that transcends conventional tactics, guaranteeing successful financial and influential journeys.

Personalized Growth and Expansion

With a track record of generating millions in revenue and collaborations with major platforms, this program offers personalized strategies tailored for both novices and experienced speakers. Build a robust foundation, maximize opportunities, and expand your reach across various speaking niches with adaptable strategies.

What’s inside the course?



  • Definition of Brand Monetization
  • Importance of Monetizing Your Brand

Understanding Your Brand

  • Identifying Your Unique Value Proposition
  • Knowing Your Target Audience

Strategies for Monetizing Your Brand

  • Speaking Engagements
  • Paid Speaking Gigs
  • Corporate Speaking Contracts & Events
  • Webinars and Online Courses
  • Writing and Publishing
  • Books and E-books
  • Guest Blogging and Article Writing
  • Paid Newsletters or Subscription Content
  • Offering Services
  • Consulting Services
  • Coaching or Mentoring
  • Paid Workshops or Training
  • Digital Products
  • Online Courses
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts

Building Credibility and Influence

  • Networking and Partnerships
  • Social Proof and Testimonials
  • Establishing Thought Leadership

Leveraging Technology for Brand Monetization

  • Social Media Platforms
  • Freebie Building
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Profitable Websites


  • Recap of Key Strategies for Brand Monetization
  • Inspiring Call to Action for Brand Monetization

Just $47 — Early bird special
AND SO MUCH MORE IS IN HERE AND WILL BE ADDED, so being early is going to give you access to so much more before the price goes up! 

Andrea Merrill, 
Speaker CMO

Andrea, renowned as the Speaker Monetizing Bestie, stands at the intersection of Psychology and Marketing as a transformative Speaker and Event CMO. With a masterful grasp of Applied Behavior Analysis and two decades of marketing expertise, she pioneers the Virtually Adventurous vision, steering speakers and event leaders towards unparalleled monetization success. 

Her strategic prowess has not only generated upwards of $50,000 in three days and $70,000 monthly for clients but has also opened doors to collaborations with behemoths like Netflix and the launch of physical stores. 

Andrea's core mission is to unlock the monetization potential within passionate speakers and event leaders, leveraging behaviorally-driven strategies that guarantee not just revenue, but also significant impact and expanded horizons.

 Her methodical approach, rooted in psychological science, transcends conventional tactics, ensuring her clients' journeys epitomize financial triumph and influential prowess. Andrea's leadership is not just about reaching targets; it's about redefining the essence of success in speaking and event management.

Your Path to Speaking Stardom Begins Here

Embark on a journey to transform your speaking gigs into a thriving, lucrative career. With our step-by-step guidance, you'll build a strong foundation, captivate and expand your audience, and unlock new opportunities for revenue and growth.


Who is this program for?
This program is designed for speakers, authors, consultants and service providers who are ready to elevate their speaking career. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing speaking engagements, my strategies will help you increase revenue, impact, and opportunities.

What makes this program different from other speaking courses?
Unlike generic courses, our program offers personalized strategies tailored to your unique strengths and goals. We focus on building a solid foundation, maximizing every speaking opportunity, and leveraging digital platforms to expand your reach. Our approach is rooted in real-world success and expert insights.

What if I'm new to speaking professionally?
This is structured to provide value to both novice and experienced speakers. For those new to speaking professionally, I'll guide you through establishing a strong foundation, my guide to landing $12,500k in 7 days when just starting my business all because of using my voice! 

Is there any one-on-one support available?
While there is not 1:1 support, there will be an offer to get WAYYYY more support as you go through the content and start to build, so don't miss the opportunity for this when you check out! 

Can I apply the strategies in this program to any speaking niche?
Absolutely! The strategies we teach are designed to be adaptable across a wide range of speaking niches. Whether you're in motivational speaking, educational lectures, or niche-specific presentations, our program provides the tools you need to succeed.

Will there be any refund?
Please be aware that due to the immediate and unrestricted access provided by this digital product, we are unable to offer refunds. We kindly ask that you ensure this purchase is the right fit for you before proceeding. Thank you for your understanding.

“Andrea, I cannot thank you enough for the incredible impact you have had on our business. Thanks to your skills, we have generated a whopping $840,000 from just one client. And as if that wasn't enough, another client has come on board, bringing in a staggering $1 million per year. This level of success is beyond anything we could have imagined, and it is all thanks to you. Your expertise in monetizing our brand has transformed our business, and we are grateful for your continued support.”

Natalie. L.

"Let your voice be the thunder that sparks change, transforming every talk into a goldmine of opportunities and revenue. This isn't just about being heard; it's about making a mark so indelible, the world can't help but respond. When you speak, make it more than words—make it a movement that opens doors, elevates your impact, and turns the spotlight squarely on you. Let's show them what it means to not just speak up, but to speak and shake the world." 
- Andrea Merrill 

“Lets fuck it up and figure it out”

Are You Ready to Make a Lasting Impact?

Don't let another opportunity pass you by. It's time to step into your power as a speaker and build a career that's not only profitable but also fulfilling. Join us today and start your journey to speaking success.